Admin Area

Pace comes with an admin area for managing your application and users without neccessirily diving into your database or redeploying your code. The admin area is available at /admin and only accessible to admin users. You can create admin users with the pace:admin command:

node ace pace:admin


By default, Pace comes with 3 roles (admin, owner, and member). Depending on your application, you can edit, delete them or create new ones entirely.


You can manage users in your application, that is, update their details or delete them.

User impersonation

In addition to managing users, you can also impersonate users from the admin area. This will come in handy for those times you need to experience things from your users' perspective, especially when offering support with issues that might be facing.

To impersonate a user, click on the "Impersonate" button next to each user on the users table. A banner will appear at the top of your application indicating that you're logged in as another user. To stop impersonating the user, click the "Stop impersonate" link in the banner.


You can manage subscription plans in your application, that is, cerate, update their details or delete them.